What a surprise! I knew that HOT QUIT was getting great reviews, but Amazon just informed me that it will be the Love Story of the Week starting MONDAY will be available for $0.99 until Sunday 5/11 at 11:59PST. You can find it at KindleLoveStories.com or facebook.com/kindlelovestories.
I'm currently writing my next contemporary romance and the working title is GIVE MY LOVE TO THE... PICK UP MAN.
My husband and I will be going to a roping this week-end on Saturday, hosting a COW 101 class on Sunday and then getting ready to go to a dog trial over Mother's Day week-end. He's going to show both the Brat Child and the Wild Child ( Chilli and Win), so wish us luck.
I'm currently writing my next contemporary romance and the working title is GIVE MY LOVE TO THE... PICK UP MAN.
My husband and I will be going to a roping this week-end on Saturday, hosting a COW 101 class on Sunday and then getting ready to go to a dog trial over Mother's Day week-end. He's going to show both the Brat Child and the Wild Child ( Chilli and Win), so wish us luck.